Thursday, July 19, 2007


Yes, I know. no one will believe me. but it's been an easy altercation to succintly support. As a long time MAC- o- Phyte (meaning one who is not initiated into the cult of MAC)  I decided a year ago or so to document my mac-mockery and yet it has turned out 100 times grander than expected. No no.. no need to email to support my anonymity. I know you all aspire to keep the luster of who I am glowing and shining.  And I will do my utmost to continue to fullfill the requirements. On fakesteve I will never admit to this coming out. The wonderfull satire will continue & Valleywag's  flirtatious dive for my spotlight will puff out like a candle in a tornado.
This 1 lone admission into the night will be enough, I believe to stand on into the storm's to come. Please, continue to visit & forget that you've seen this. Thus maintaining the grand theatric's which we all enjoy.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

ok now I am googleblogger

i am hi teck. . new google bloggin. WOOT. need to add extra content? i think not.. as far as random sysadmin? i spent alllllllmorning ripping out old cable.. at least 30 old cables.. but its sstill a mess here.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Diary of a random sysadmin

one of our clients has 2 appliction poools running on 2 "loadbalanced" (a low level config) IIS machines.
only one can be an active directory controller ( cuz they can't sync as "loadbalanced")

their app's where dieing on the machine that wasn't a DC and they didn't know why.. almost demanding we make it a DC again. I said I'll look into it.

i google search :
"The identity of application pool, is invalid."
& come up with a few leads : then i got which i tried & it fixed the problem, but only for 1 app

Then i found this which about half way down says this : Create a domain service account (MYDOMAIN\SvcAcct) in Active Directory. Nothing special here, no special privileges, just a member of Domain Users group. On the target web server (WebSvr1), add MYDOMAIN\SvcAcct to user group, IIS_WPG.
Which i did & Walla.. it works!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

One for the road...

Here's a quick post cuz david spent hours workin on his, to show that blogger works for even Leet Geeks!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

well thats a change..

I have some research accomplished. Check out my server site's. let me know if you have a domain name you want hosted.

Monday, April 03, 2006


i uh work on computers.. and like planes.
ohh and I like to vacation in quiet places without computers!